Find Dr. Brown's updated video statement (12/17/2024) here...
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Do American Muslims Support Hamas? (October 12, 2023)
Israel at War (October 09 ,2023)
What Does It Feel Like to Be a Messianic Jew in Israel (July 21, 2022)
VP Harris Commends Student Who Blasted Israel for "Ethnic Genocide"
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Fake News! Israel Has NOT Crowned the Messiah
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Dr. Brown Sets the Record Straight on the Campaign to Censor GOD TV in Israel
Dear Christian Zionists, the Gospel is for the Jewish People
Messianic Humanitarian Community ATTACKED in Jerusalem
Is Israel an Apartheid State?
Responding to Trump's Mideast Peace Plan
Is God a Zionist?
What are the Ten Lost Tribes?
Is Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitic?
Was Charles Spurgeon a Christian Zionist?
Will There Ever be a 'Two State Solution'?
Do Jews Have a Future Outside of Israel?
Does the New Testament Support Zionism?
A Caller Takes Issue with Zionism
Are Israeli Jews Imposters?
Who Are the Lost Tribes of Israel?
Jews, Palestinians, and God's Land
Is Jerusalem the Capital of 'Palestine'?
Do Jews Have a Divine Right to the Promised Land?
The Truth About Israel's So-Called Apartheid Wall
The Truth About Israel, Islam, and Palestinian Christians
Media Bias Against Israel Exposed!
Dr. Michael Brown and James Michael-Smith Debate Jesus, Scripture, Israel, & Palestine
How Christian is Christian Zionism? (Brown and Sizer Debate)
The People, the Land and the Future of Israel - Traditional Jewish Expectation
Is Israel an Evil Occupier?
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