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The School of Prayer Part 19: Taking Refuge in God (January 9, 2025)
The School of Prayer Part 18: Building Our Faith (January 8, 2025)
The School of Prayer Part 17: Deepening Our Relationship with God (January 7, 2025)
The School of Prayer Part 16: Keys to Answered Prayer (January 6, 2025)
The School of Prayer Part 15: Overcoming Distraction (December 20, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 14: Hindrances to Prayer (December 19, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 13: The Power of Persevering Prayer (December 18, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 12: Unanswered Prayers (December 17, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 11: Abraham's Intercession. (December 16, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 10: Persuading God Through Prayer (December 13, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 9: The Lord's Prayer and Forgiveness (December 12, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 8: The Lord's Prayer Continued (December 11, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 7: Introduction to The Lord's Prayer (December 10, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 6: God's Antidote for Anxiety (December 9, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 5: Praying for Spiritual Leaders (December 6, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 4: Co-workers with God in Prayer (December 5, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 3: How Real Is The Devil (December 4, 2024)
The School of Prayer Part 2: The Prayer Life of Jesus (December 3, 2024)
Do American Muslims Support Hamas? (October 12, 2023)
Christian Theologies that Contribute to Antisemitism (October 10, 2023)
Dr. Brown Denounces Nick Fuentes
Dr. Brown Confronts a Hebrew Israelite Caller
The Real Truth About the Black Hebrew Israelites (Dr. Brown with Vocab Malone)
Once Again, Christian Antisemitism (July 7, 2022)
Why Antisemitism Is on the Rise in America (May 19, 2022)
Analyzing Whoopi Goldberg's Holocaust Comments
Antisemitism in the PCUSA
VP Harris Commends Student Who Blasted Israel for "Ethnic Genocide"
Why I Removed the Noahide Law Debate From YouTube
Desecration of the Host
More On The Noahide Laws Hysteria
Dr. Brown Calls Out the Cowardly Antisemites
Is #BlackLivesMatter Anti-Semitic?
Is the Star of David a Demonic Symbol?
The Latest on the Noahide Laws and Antisemitism
Debunking the Khazar Myth
Prof. Jonathan McLatchie Responds to Paulogia Regarding The Resurrection (December 5, 2022)
Talking About Our Doubts (July 12, 2022)
Do the Hollywood Superheroes Point to Jesus? (May 3, 2022)
Should We Expect Miracles Today? An interview with Prof. J.P. Moreland
If You Love Brady Goodwin Watch This
Rallying Believers to Stand for Sound Doctrine
Responding to Serious Objections to the Bible
Dr. Brown Talks With Scholars Episode 4: Prof. James Beverely
Why Jehovah’s Witness are Losing Members: An Interview with James Beverley
No Salvation Without Repentance
Dr. Brown Talks With Scholars Episode 2: Prof. Richard Averbeck
Dr. Brown Responds to John Piper's Son About the Bible
Dr. Brown Addresses Larry King's Lost Faith
A Caller's Struggle With His Family Converting To Islam
What Can We Learn About God through Creation?
Fundamentals of Apologetics
Why Apologetics Matters
Is Allah a Heavenly Father in Islam?
Yah Is God's Name!
No! Biblical Hebrew Letters Did Not Represent Pictures and Numbers
How Do We Deal with the Difficult Texts of the Old Testament? (October 27, 2022)
Were the Gospels Written in Hebrew? (July 14, 2022)
Did Christian Translators Twist the Meaning of Isaiah's Words? Dr. Brown Responds to Rabbi Singer
Dr. Brown Answers Your Hebrew, Greek, and Bible Questions
Why Did the New Testament Writers Often Quote the Greek Septuagint Instead of the Hebrew?
Revisiting the Passion Translation
Can We Trust Modern Bible Translations?
Was the New Testament Originally Written in Aramaic?
Are There Secret Pictographic Meanings in the Letters of the Hebrew Bible?
Digging into the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures
What is the Meaning of "See Seed" in Isaiah 53:10? Dr. Brown Responds to Rabbi Singer
Why Is the Protestant Bible Shorter than the Catholic Bible?
Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions about Bible Translations
What is the Right Translation of Isaiah 9:5(6)? Dr. Brown Responds to Rabbi Singer
Once Saved Always Saved? A Documentary Film - Full Movie 4k
Healed of Autoimmune Disease Through Healthy Eating
Should Christian Leaders Cuss?
Put on the Full Armor of God
This Is a Perversion of the Gospel!
Why Can't I Break Free From Sin?
Dr. Brown's 47th Anniversary and Marriage Advice
Should Christians "Live and Let Live"?
Seek the Truth No Matter the Cost
Learning to Be Present in the Moment
Are We Afraid of Emotionalism or of the Holy Spirit?
Is Tithing a New Testament Command?
A Pastor's Wife Asks About Christian Leaders Drinking Alcohol
God's Grace in the Darkest Valley
God Called Her Out of a 15 Year Lesbian Relationship
Is There Biblical Support For Astrology?
Can Christians Be Superstitious?
Dr. Brown and Dr. Leighton Flowers: Q & A on Calvinism
Are You In Danger of Losing Your Salvation?
Reconciling God's Sovereignty and Man's Free Will
If God is Sovereign, What Difference Do Our Choices Make?
Is the Doctrine of Total Depravity Biblical?
Can You "Choose" Salvation?
Why Calvinism Does Not Reflect the Nature and Character of God
Does God Predestine People to Hell?
Can Apostates Repent and Return to God?
Can Prayer Change God's Mind?
Once Saved Always Saved?
Dr. Brown Exegetes John 6:37-44
Why I'm Not A Calvinist
Hebrew Insights into the Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart
The Atonement Debate: For Whom Did Christ Die? Part 1
The Atonement Debate: For Whom Did Christ Die? Part 2
Calvinists Call-in Day
Is the Whole Charismatic Church Corrupt? (March 11, 2024)
A Jonathan Edwards Scholar Talks about Revival and Emotional Responses (December 6, 2022)
Physical Healing in the Atonement
Why Cessationism Will Cease (November 29, 2022)
Dr. Brown Discusses Prophetic Integrity with Dr. R. T. Kendall (May 17, 2022)
The Purpose of New Testament Prophecy (May 10, 2022)
Dr. Brown Talks With Scholars Episode 3: Dr. Mark Chironna
Dr. Brown Talks With Scholars Episode 1: Prof. Craig Keener
Don't Let Anyone Threaten You With Prophetic Manipulation
We Boast in the Lord, Not in Ourselves
The Holy Spirit Is More Than Tongues and Prophecy
Did David Wilkerson Prophesy COVID-19 in 1986?
Planes, Cars and Covid-19 Prophesied in the Bible?
Can We Command Sickness to Be Healed?
Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions on the Holy Spirit
Hyper-Critics: Hillsong, Bethel Worship Music is Worse than Abortion
The Most Compelling Messianic Prophecy in the Bible
Can We Know the Name of God?
Is God a Zionist?
Why Were Some Books Left Out Of The Bible?
Is Jesus Kosher for Jews?
Is It Too Late for America?
Why Don’t More Pastors Speak Out?
Can we trust the Bible?
How Did the Church Get Cut Off From Its Jewish Roots?
What Does it Mean to Be a Conservative?
Can You be Gay and Christian?
Reflections on the Dr. Brown vs. Zakir Hussain Debate
Dr. Brown Debates Zakir Hussain: Is Muhammad Prophesied in the Bible?
Dr. Brown Debates: "Who are the Legit Children of Israel?"
Should Messianic Jews Live Like Orthodox Jews? (June 23, 2022)
Debate: Does the Bible Teach a PRE-Tribulation Rapture?
Debate: Is Muhammad Prophesied in Deuteronomy 18? Dr. Brown vs. Nadir Ahmed
Dr. Brown and Rabbi Singer 1992 Debate
Dr. Brown and Rabbi Boteach Debate - Did Jesus Die for our sins?
Dr. Brown and Rabbi Shmuley Debate: Is the New Testament Antisemitic?
Debate: Was Slavery in the OT Morally Permissible?
An Interview with Pre-Trib Scholar Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Dr Brown Debates Dr Dale Tuggy: Is the Father Alone the True God?
Dr. Brown and Rabbi Boteach Debate - Who really killed Jesus?
Dr. Brown Debates Michael Sullivan on Full Preterism
Debate: Is Homosexuality Consistent with New Testament Obedience?
Dr. Brown Debates Dr. Theodore Zachariades on the Gifts of the Spirit
Debate: Dr. Michael Brown Debates Dr. Munther Isaac on Replacement Theology
Dr. Brown and Rabbi Boteach Debate - Is Jesus Kosher?
Is the War in Israel the Beginning of the Final War? (October 11, 2023)
Is Time Running Out?
When Gorbachev Was the Antichrist
The Coming of the Lord is Post Tribulation
Why Must We Turn Every Headline Into an End-Time Prophecy?
Responding To Your Pre-Trib Arguments
Do Religious Jews Want to Build the Jerusalem Third Temple?
No Man Knows The Day Or The Hour?
Where Do Replacement Theology and Amillennialism Intersect?
Dr. Brown Explains His Eschatology
Why I Reject a Pre-tribulation Rapture
Why is Satan Released After the Millennial Reign of Jesus?
What's the Problem With Dispensationalism?
Must the Messiah Return by the Year 6000 on the Jewish Calendar?
Who are the 144000 in the Book of Revelation?
Will the Nephilim Return?
Is Daniel 7 a Warning for Believers Today?
Hebrew Word of the Day: Qanah
Hebrew Word of the Day: Nephesh
Hebrew Word of the Day: Mitzrayim
Hebrew Word of the Day: Shamayim
Hebrew Word of the Day: Tsaphon
Hebrew Word of the Day: Rakhameen
Hebrew Word of the Day: Tanoor
Hebrew Word of the Day: Sheym
Hebrew Word of the Day: Gibor
Hebrew Word of the Day: Raah
Hebrew Word of the Day: Rachaph
Hebrew Word of the Day: Bar
Hebrew Word of the Day: Tanneen
Hebrew Word of the Day: Mosheh