Official Statements
TLOF Board Statement Regarding Investigation
We want to take this opportunity to update you on our progress as we continue to move forward.
Although it was a challenging task to secure someone during the holiday season, we are pleased to confirm that we have retained Firefly to oversee the entire investigative process for us. Because of their stellar reputation, coupled with the respect that they’ve received from the advocacy community, we are thankful that they have adjusted their schedule to jump into this case immediately.
Unless Firefly needs us to communicate in any way with the public, we will not be making any further statements until the investigation is complete. The summary report will be made public upon completion.
Our board has assembled an outside team of elders and leaders who will be in regular communication with Dr. Brown and to whom he will be accountable during this process. This team will include at least one trauma informed counselor. The ones who have already agreed to serve on this team desire to keep their names anonymous at this time so that they can carry out their responsibilities without external distractions. It is our hope and desire that through their expertise and experience, they will help provide us with a roadmap as to how to proceed once the investigation is completed.
We are very grateful for the help and wisdom that we have received from a number of trusted leaders in the advocacy community where this entire process is concerned. In light of the steps we have taken in keeping with their counsel, we believe we are on the right path by putting into place both a credible investigation as well as a credible accountability team of leaders.
Thank you for your patience with us as we proceed, understanding that it is our fullest hope and desire that the end result will be that the Lord is glorified.
Statement from the Board of Directors at The Line of Fire
We are terribly saddened by the allegations that have emerged concerning Dr. Michael Brown. As the Board of Directors of The Line of Fire (TLOF), it is our desire to embrace a posture of humility as we navigate through waters that we’ve never been in before.
As we enter this process, we are seeking and receiving counsel from trusted leaders who have experience with these types of situations. They are providing us with invaluable counsel for which we are so grateful. We feel like we are walking through a minefield where any misstep, however well intentioned, can cause an explosion that can disrupt the process.
We will undoubtedly make mistakes along the way, and we ask you for grace as we navigate through this process. Our greatest hope is that the Lord will be glorified in the end.
We want to address just a few issues that are important for you to know:
Right out of the gate, as soon as we heard about the allegations, it was our desire to authorize an independent third-party investigation so that truth could emerge and that a process could begin where “Erin” and others felt safe to express themselves without any fear of shame or judgment.
We found a reputable attorney who specializes in third party investigations without realizing that the firm he works with often represents and defends individuals or institutions that have allegations against them. Although we had no idea of that, we totally understand that the optics of that decision could appear that we hired a firm that would exonerate Michael. (And it’s important for you to know that Michael had zero to do with that decision as he has recused himself entirely from the board during this process — this was all on us, and we take total responsibility for that decision.) When it came to our attention that this firm would not suit our desired process, we understood completely that we needed to go in a different direction and decided to release them. We are actively seeking an organization that is “trauma informed” and is sensitive to the advocacy community and will retain them as soon as possible.
A couple of days ago, a previously written support letter from TLOF went out to its mailing list mentioning a “satanic attack". The day it was released, we asked Michael about the letter. It was a letter that was written well before The Roy’s Report confirmed that their article would be coming out and he regrets that it was sent and agrees that it was wrong. He was not involved in approving the final draft. It was not written by us and we in no way connect the verbiage to these current allegations.
FIRE International is an entirely separate ministry from The Line of Fire. We have no jurisdiction over how they express themselves and will offer no opinion on that letter or on anything that is not coming directly from The Line of Fire.
Once the report is completed, we will be releasing the summary to the public.
Statement from Dr. Brown
In recent weeks, very serious accusations have come to me and my board concerning events from 23 years ago.
Upon receiving the news, both Nancy and I were shocked and horrified at the accusations, allegations, and mischaracterizations, and wholeheartedly supported our board’s decision to launch a thorough third-party investigation.
I can categorically state that in my 53 years in the Lord and more than 50 years with Nancy, I have never committed adultery or enjoyed sexual intimacy with another woman, nor do the charges allege that. Yet I must ask, in all humility and in the fear of the Lord, if an article on the Roys Report is the best way to address these allegations and accusations. Does this glorify the Lord, edify the Body, bring healing and restoration, or advance the cause of truth?
Nancy and I did have a relationship with the woman in question and considered her to be like a family member, and she conducted herself as one who viewed our relationship the same way. And while my physical interaction with her was in keeping with what I viewed as normal within family relationships, the fact is she was not a family member, which reflects a serious lack of judgment and understanding on my part.
Before she relocated to another state in August 2002, she informed me that our interaction months earlier had made her uncomfortable. And so Nancy and I met with her immediately in the spirit of Matthew 18, I apologized to her from the heart, we talked things through together, after which, to our knowledge, she wanted to move forward in peace.
In the years that followed, at least through 2015, she contacted me sharing family updates, sending prayer requests, and checking in on Nancy and me. Naturally, we thought that everything was fine between us. How could we have known otherwise? As to allegations that I stifled those who questioned the nature of our relationship, it is because they accused me of having an affair. Of course I rebutted those ridiculous charges. At no time over the years did anyone approach me, asking me or my ministry to conduct a third-party investigation.
The fact is that my actions towards her were certainly foolish and irresponsible – but neither sexual nor amorous in any way – and my highest priority, as well as Nancy’s, is to have the opportunity to meet together in a setting acceptable to her and bring healing, where I can take full responsibility for the things which apparently hurt her so deeply, things which I thought we addressed 23 years ago.
Unfortunately, when Nancy and I learned through the Roys Report that there was an offense towards me in this woman’s heart, we were not allowed to follow the mandate of Jesus in Matthew 5:23-26, but only given the option of offering a response to an article that would be released online. What happened to biblical process?
That being said, if it’s true that for 23 years she has carried this pain and I am responsible for it, I am beyond mortified and would plead forgiveness and the opportunity to bring healing and restoration. Her wellbeing remains our priority.