My Perspective is Shifting (and Getting More Hopeful by the Day)

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Like many of you, I am deeply concerned about the state of our nation. I truly believe that, barring divine intervention, we could well be heading for a national collapse. The agenda of the left becomes more radical by the day, the attack on our most essential freedoms continues to intensify, and the divisions in our midst threaten to tear us apart.

Yet day by day, in the midst of my very real concerns — which many of you also share — my sense of hope is growing as well. A great awakening is at hand — if we will humble ourselves, if we will turn to God in holy desperation, if we will repent of our sins, if we will implore heaven for mercy. Revival is drawing near.

You might say, “But we deserve judgment not revival.”

I wholeheartedly agree. We never deserve revival and we always deserve judgment. (At least, this is true on a national level).

God could damn America to hell simply for our shedding of innocent blood, beginning in the womb, and we would have to say He was being fair. And that is just one terrible sin among a multitude of others.

That’s why Habakkuk, in his great revival prayer in Hab. 3:2, ended by saying, “In wrath remember mercy.”

The wrath is totally deserved and would wipe us off the map.

The mercy is just that: mercy...

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