In the midst of many positive things that are happening in America and abroad, including the beginnings of both spiritual and moral awakenings, there’s also plenty of evidence that, on another level, the world is losing its mind. Here are some striking, recent examples.
Writing for Breitbart, Jack Montgomery reported that,
“Women and ‘non-binary’ people with breasts will be able to go topless at Berlin swimming pools after a ruling from the German capital’s diversity ombudsman.”
“Dr Doris Liebscher, who heads the city’s ombudsman office, hailed the change, saying: ‘The ombudsman very much welcomes the decision of the bathing establishments because it creates equal rights for all Berliners, whether male, female or non-binary and because it also creates legal certainty for the staff in the bathing establishments.’”
But of course! There’s no difference between a man’s body and a woman’s body, right? If a man can go topless, why not a woman? Equality for all!
And then this priceless paragraph (and note the gender pronouns):
“The municipal government in the university city made the change in response to a complaint by a biologically male transman, who was banned from a pool for refusing to cover their breasts on the basis that they were a man, and men did not need to cover their chests.”
This person may be very sincere and may truly feel aggrieved. But turning logic and reality upside down will solve nothing.
More practically, perhaps the people of Germany could learn from the people of Sweden. As reported back in 2018, “A programme at a Swedish open-air swimming bath in Malmö that eliminated gender-separate areas to encourage transgender bathers has resulted in men taking the opportunity to stare at naked women.”
Is anyone surprised?
So, while “very few transgender people were making use of the programme, men and boys used it as an excuse to enter women’s showers, changing rooms, and toilets, Aftonbladet reports.”
Back in the States, the Biden administration was rightly pilloried for presenting an “International Women Of Courage Award” to a biological male who identifies as female. As Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “It’s International Women’s Day – a good time to remember that Democrats can’t even tell you what a woman is.”
Or, as I expressed it, “It really seems as if the ongoing trend to honor trans-identified biological males for being the first-ever ‘woman’ to achieve something (or the ‘best’ woman in a category) is the latest form of misogyny. Men make better women than women do!”
The person who was given this “courage” award may indeed be a courageous individual. But he should not be celebrated as a female. That is insulting to other, deserving female candidates.
Also in the States, but in the same spirit as the court ruling in Germany, Ari Blaff reported on National Review that,
“A Minnesota state court has ruled that USA Powerlifting must permit transgender athletes to compete.
“Transgender powerlifter JayCee Cooper, a male who identifies as female, sued in state court in 2021 after USA Powerlifting’s sex-segregation policy barred him from competing against women. The court found that the organization’s policy violated state anti-discrimination law.”
“The district court’s ruling compels USA Powerlifting to ‘cease and desist from all unfair discriminatory practices,’ and permits the body two weeks to comply. The order paves the way for individuals to compete in divisions based on their gender identity, not biological sex.”
Long live equality!
Three cheers for egalitarianism!
Another victory for women’s rights!
Forgive my sarcasm, but this is patently absurd and blatantly discriminatory, no matter how much a biological male may be required to reduce his testosterone before competing against women. The unfair advantage remains glaring, as was seen in the case of “Laurel” Hubbard, a former, competitive weightlifting male, who went on to smash female records as a “transwoman.”
If fairness is a goal and if trans-identified athletes become more common, they can compete in non-binary categories against each other. But to change everyone else’s reality based on their perceived reality is to turn the world upside down.
Or do we need more headlines like this one, from January 2022? “‘I was sexually assaulted by a transgender rapist in a women's jail’: Female prisoner, 45, describes ordeal at the hands of sex predator, 56, who molested four inmates during three-month reign of terror.”
Yes, “Karen” White, a biological male who identifies as a female “was sent to the [women’s] jail despite having had neither surgery nor hormone treatment.”
So, this biological male was able to sexually abuse and terrorize the female inmates in a prison simply because he identified as a woman.
The bad news is that the world is really losing its mind.
The good news is that many others are now waking up and saying, “Enough is enough.”
May God help these trans-identified individuals find wholeness within their natural bodies, and may the rest of society regain its bearings, before the slippery slope becomes a steep and treacherous cliff.