Join Me in Standing Against Anti-Semitism

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I have been writing and speaking on the subject of Anti-semitism for decades, seeking to warn the Church about our own historic failure to stand against demonically inspired Jew-hatred. Over the course of 2019 that message has changed. I'm no longer citing examples from the past but, tragically, exposing a new ugly, vile Antisemitism that is resurgent all over the world today, even here in America, often coming from professing Christians!

Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for Israel is for their salvation. -Romans 10:1

We who profess Jesus must stand up, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus, Yeshua, to our Jewish brothers and sisters, while demonstrating the love and faithfulness of God, by exposing the ugliness of Anti-semitism in our day.


That is why…

  • We are broadcasting our Line of Fire radio show, 5 days a week, often with a Jewish focus, throughout America, and all over the world via the internet.
  • God has given us major distribution on platforms like Middle Eastern Television,
    GODTV, Inspiration Network, and NRBTV to get this message out.
  • We continue to produce cutting edge media like our latest CONSIDER THIS animated video, Is God a Zionist, which tackles the issue of Israel's right to exist head on!
  • God continues to open significant doors with the Jewish community such as with my most recent debate, Is the New Testament Anti Semitic, featuring Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

I am so grateful for each and every one of you who share God's heart for all of Israel to be saved. Let us believe together that in 2020 the Church will shine forth during this dark time, drawing many to Jesus, the Jewish Messiah!

Will you continue to partner with me at this crucial time?

Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. -Daniel 12:3

Yours in Messiah,
Dr. Michael Brown

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