I’m Still Going to Dream about a Unified Body of Believers

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The same God who changed so many of us in so many profound ways has not given up on us.

He is the one who equips us and enables us, the one who transforms and empowers us. It is His love that is shed abroad in our hearts (see Romans 5:5, in a different context). And He is determined to get for His Son a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle (Ephesians 5:27).

He will do it!

So I’m going to keep on dreaming. I’m going to keep trusting my brothers and sisters and giving the benefit of the doubt and believing for the best. I’m going to keep forgiving the way He forgives me, time and time again. I’m going to keep humbling myself when I fall short.

And I’m going to keep looking to the Lord to finish what He started among us, not expecting perfection but expecting to see a more beautiful community of believers than I’ve ever seen before, one that the lost will come flocking to.

Is not our Father able to do this?...

Read the Full Article at Stream.org

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