Great Is the Mercy of God

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We know that sin is deadly and has deadly consequences. And so, by all means, we must not play games with sin.

We must not minimize the evil of sin.

We must not justify sin.

We must not downplay the consequences of sin.

And we must remember that, without repentance, our sins will always find us out (Numbers 32:23; Proverbs 28:13).

All the more, then, should we be in awe of the mercy of our God. How extraordinary it is that an indescribably holy being could show such love to us.

Let us not play games with God’s mind-boggling grace.If there is sin in our lives, let us deal with it ruthlessly, let us come clean rather than get caught, let us repent from the heart, and let us forgive others as the Lord has forgiven us...

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