Speaking of that ancient hero named Job, the Bible records that after his time of severe suffering, he “lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation.”
That is one of the great blessings that comes with getting older: you get to see your children’s children, and even their children. (If you live to be 140, like Job, you could see even more!)
But it was only in the last few days that something else struck me for the first time (and I write this less than two months from my 68th birthday). Another benefit that comes with age is that you get to see more prayers answered, especially those that can take decades to come to fruition.
Could it be that your best years are still ahead?
Could it be that prayers you have prayed for decades are about to be answered? Could it be that some of the worst things you ever lived through have prepared you for this very hour?
Could it be...?