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Truth be told, if we who claim to be followers of Jesus were as passionate about prayer as we were about politics, America would not look the same today.

The same can be said about studying and applying God’s Word, about living out our faith and sharing our faith, about being disciples and making disciples. If we could put the same energy into those spiritual disciplines as we do into political debates, we could shake the nation.

That’s why, for many years now, I have said that my greatest concern in America is not so much the presence of darkness (as much as that does concern me) but rather the absence of light.

In my 2022 book The Political Seduction of the Church: How Millions of American Christians Confused Politics with the Gospel, I asked, “If the Lord Himself tasked you and me with the assignment of bringing positive, lasting change to America, drawing up a strategic list of seven priorities for us as followers of Jesus, what would be on your list?” 

This was my list of seven...

Read the Full Article at Stream.org

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