Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions

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Dr. Brown is back in the studio, taking your questions and calls on all biblical, theological, moral, cultural, and spiritual, including Jewish-related questions as well. Listen live here 2-4 pm EST, and call into the show at (866) 348 7884 with your questions and comments.


Hour 1:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Jesus never promised us a wonderful marriage and a wonderful family if we followed Him. He promised us tribulation in this world but eternal blessing and awesome life in Him.

Hour 2:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Truth is truth. There may be a little word here or there that we miss, but the truth is overwhelming.



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Other Resources:

Doctrinal Difference Call-in Day (and Should Christians Serve in the Military?)

Addressing “Christian” Anti-Semitism; and the Question of a Pre-Wrath Rapture

Thoughts on Election Day, “Reparative Therapy,” and an Interview on Faith that Breaks Through

1 Comment
  1. a man calls up, having heard ‘his preacher’ say something which triggered his ‘worry’ saying ‘what IF’ I’m ON another ‘drunk’ when this preacher’s ‘jesus’ (whom I have been relying upon, whom in answering ‘line of fire’s question of ‘have you asked ‘Jesus’ to forgive you, said “I believe so”) “COMES BACK” ? (picking up that this radio preacher from the West Coast ‘Fernando Valley’ who claims the majority of his parishioners are ‘catholics’, the Spanish having come into their area in California to become their now majority of ‘members’ of ‘GTY’ and it’s mainly radio audience). A true ‘Jesus REVOLUTION’ is to begin believing from I Peter “the baptism which NOW saves us” is NOT the washing away of the ‘filth of the flesh’ (but according to the ‘Tree of Life Version’ but is now by ‘immersion NOW brings you to safety’..by that of a ‘pledge’) which must keep one’s CONSCIENCE good (in ‘excellence’) NOT to a preacher’s ‘jesus’ of their own choice, but to the F-ther OF ANY AND ALL claimed to be the (their) real ‘Jesus’ by any preacher, or layman regardless ! Mostly those still relating ‘THEIR’ salvation, to having been brought ‘safely thru WATER’ in their past ? Even admitting, like Peter only 8 were brought to safety of the Ark Noah had built (a ‘baptism’ in water EXAMPLE) and we know Noah ‘got DRUNK’ some many years later (even while his youngest son of the ‘eight’, 3 sons, their ‘wives’, and Noah’s present ‘wife’ at the ‘time of the great baptism’ of their middle Eastern entire earth of ‘disobedient’ peoples’, committed an ‘act’ from him which when he awoke, he KNEW what his youngest had ‘done unto him’). According to Peter NONE of all this is ‘NOW’ saving him (including Noah’s baptism in ‘WATER’ AND CERTAINLY NOT THE DISOBEDIENT who did not come out from again, ‘above the water’ like Noah of the eight, in ‘their baptism’) ! Today, with so many claimants NOW, that of maintaining an excellent ‘conscience’ with ‘THEIR jesus’ of their own choices (whose now maintaining in good conscience, is in belief of his coming back to this Earth, once again, of Noah’s ‘flood’, and the place of his own voluntary laying his life down, even taking it back up again ONCE in his own power, even also of his ‘resurrection’ IN THE FLESH while down here the first time only ?) should not a true JESUS REVOLUTION be that of reviving, or for the first time to a few, that of evangelizing unto ‘maintaining’ an excellent conscience before THE F-THER of Jesus, who we can be SURE sits on the seat of ALL power in heaven, while His true SON sits, on the now ETERNAL mercy seating just BELOW His right hand ? and will stand from there, to VOICE out the final judgment of the ONE WHO SITS with ALL power just ABOVE him (as seen by Stephen, heard by Paul when still a youth, and was prayed for by Stephen ‘singularly’ in his own death, not those who actually were adults doing the stoning itself of this ‘martyr’ who said he ‘saw’ him STANDING in HEAVEN, at the right hand of his F-THER, and which caused all the more ‘anger’ from those ‘doing the actual stoning’ of this true Pentecostal) !

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