Words of Faith and Hope

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Dr. Brown shares words of encouragement, faith, and hope, helping us to live as overcomers in the midst of the challenges, difficulties, and attacks of this age. Listen live here 2-4 pm EST, and call into the show at (866) 348 7884 with your questions and comments.


Hour 1:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Be strong in The Lord and in the power of His might! Let the weak say I am strong! In Jesus you’re an overcomer and His grace is more than enough!

Hour 2:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Let us learn to rejoice in the trying of our faith knowing that the trying of our faith produces perseverance, character, and hope.



Order the DVD resource, “From LSD to PhD”, one of the most enjoyable episodes from Dr. Brown’s “Think It Thru” TV series, where he shares his personal testimony on location on Long Island. Get this resource today for only $10! Postage Paid!

Call 1-800-278-9978 or Order Online!

Other Resources:

Seven Biblical Reasons for Hope

How to Keep Faith and Confidence in the Midst of Moral and Spiritual Decay

Dr. Brown Interviews Michael Licona on the Resurrection of Jesus; and How What We Believe Affects How We Live

  1. I didn’t call today but I sense that through listening to your broadcasts the last 3 1/2 years of my life has been one of the ways God has guided me. He has been turning the tests in my life into testimonies for His glory. I look forward to the healing in my body become that what He wants it to be as a key in reaching those around me in truth. I love my Heavenly Father more and more every day.

  2. The bible is such a deep well of sacred metaphors and images to inspire and guide us in trying times. I also think the metaphors you choose set the tone for your life.

    For me, the story of the Road to Emmaus has been an enduring biblical metaphor for life during hard times. Walking with Jesus doesn’t always smooth the path but he does give strength, insight and hope for the journey

    In my younger, feistier days I was more drawn to images of spiritual warfare, struggle or battle. But I now think that such fighting metaphors can have a self-fulfilling quality.

    The older I get, them more I appreciate the journey and, most importantly, knowing that the Holy Spirit is travelling with me on this sometimes difficult path.

  3. A question for Dr. Brown.

    You have mentioned your LSD use several times on your radio program.

    Did you think LSD was a spiritual experience for you?

    I now that, during the 60s, people thought they could do an end-run around religion and use LSD to go straight to God. Was that what you were trying to do?

    Obviously, now, you are a very spiritual person. Where you also a spiritually inclined person, back then? (even if highly misguided.)

  4. LSD was not a spiritual experience for me — at least, not a godly one! Overall, the whole rock-drug culture was very powerful, and there was a spiritual side to it, but it was a dark, demonic, deceptive side.

    My purpose in doing drugs was not to connect with God but rather to enjoy the high and to enhance my enjoyment of rock music. It was completely carnal.

  5. Thanks for answering my question.

    Thank God, I was spared the drug experience.

    I raised the question because just this week I heard an LSD expert saying that this drug was used to open people up to a spiritual experience. I think this view has been around about as long as LSD has.

    The adult converts to Christianity that I’ve met, often have a long journey of seeking spirituality, even though very misguided — sex, money, drugs, cults, etc.

    They then finally meet Jesus and stop seeking.

  6. Your words point to the reality bearing both for self choice in a self preoccupied culture, and going “far and beyond” the consumer culture its display of images say counts. Certainly, as the New Testament writers state, Jesus is on the Throne of Heaven, and His Spirit fills the universe. Looking beyond merely myopic observances,controlling, indulging, self satisfying, and self informing, we are challenged to satisfy the soul’s longings which call us beyond what the eye sees, and the senses motivate to do and be. Your own story adds to the strength of godly experience. The offer of adoption and liberty to become a child of God far exceeds any other reference of preoccupation, or slavery to standards for every action and contemplation of duty, life, and service.

    Yeshua came to serve His own reality of Love, as it was applied to His challenges to connect with those who would hear the Christ. Thank you for extending that report to this day, this life, and this time on the planet!

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