1. God’s first creation, angels, rebelled against their creator and His authority. His second creation, man, also rebelled against the authority of the Lord. In order for God to reestablish His authority over all creation, Jesus had to be obedient even unto death.

    Sin sacrifices weren’t required until Israel decided they would rather strive to be righteous apart from a intimate relationship with God and the Law was given. Why was the death so horrific, so that no man could claim it. No one was holy enough to be a worthy of an atonement under a cursed situation. .

  2. I think there are a lot of reasons, but ultimately, I would say Jesus had to die for His glory. He had to die, so that He could be raised upโ€”the Firstborn from the dead. If it wasn’t Him first, it could never have been any one of us. God would not allow any one of us to be glorified above Him.

  3. Sent to meet God’s own requirements, simply put. No other can. It is a revelation of the heart of God to his own, for, He did for others as He would have them do: live a complete Holy life, in a new and living way. And suffer the humiliation with a pure intention, which worked out in the wash.

  4. Proverbs 17:15

    He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD.

    God is Holy and Just and cannot justify the wicked…Someone had to satisfy Gods wrath and reconcile us to God. The Holy one of Israel voleentered to submit even to death on the cross vindicating God from proverbs 17:15 and now He call everyone to repentance and faith !! he has given us a clear way of salvation !!

    Baruch Adonai Elohey Israel !!!!!!!!!

  5. Because the death of the ulltimate Righteous One is the greatest atonement we ever can get ๐Ÿ™‚ For the Jew first – then also for the Gentile!

  6. …because the soul of Jesus is a life giving spirit.

    There are so many reasons.

    I think of Enoch who walked with God when men began to call upon the name of the Lord. I believe Enoch was led by Jesus though Enoch likely didn’t know him by that particular name.

    How few men of this ilk were. How few would have been saved.
    How few would have found the way of the Lord as Abraham did.
    (Genesis 18:19)

    There are so many reasons.

    I didn’t hear the teaching as it takes so long to download. I wish
    Line Of Fire was on a radio station near me.

  7. If Israel does what is good and right by God then let us support her.

    If Israel does what is unjust and wicked then let us not support her. Why should we follow in supporting that wickedness?

    If the President felt Israel was doing the latter then he was well within his rights to walk out.

    And the answer as to whether Israel is being just in its policies? I cannot answer, because I know nothing of the issues, I just don’t know.

  8. Ben, thank you for your honesty! It is indeed not possible to really know what is going on in the middle east if you just follow the mainstream media!

    I’ve found a good source for more background information on Israel:
    If you follow those news on a regular basis, you will get a clearer picture of what is actually going on there.

    You know, so many injust things are done in the world – and nobody cares two hoots about it. Why is everything focused on the Middle East, and especially on Israel? This has a spiritual reason – and also the whole Middle East story and future is outlined in the Bible. Read Isaiah 62 and 63:1-6. There you will find God’s heart for the Middle East ๐Ÿ™‚

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