Dr. Brown Welcomes Two Special Guests

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In the first hour, Dr. Brown speaks with Messianic Jewish pastor David Harwood, author of God’s True Love; in the second hour, he speaks with Sar-Sharaht Ma’asehyahu about ancient Israel, Africa, and blacks. Listen live here 2-4 pm EST, and call into the show at (866) 348 7884 with your questions and comments.


This week, when you order the new Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, we will also include Dr. Brown’s exclusive interview with Dr. Craig Keener where he provides expert insight into the missing details of customs, culture, and literature in biblical times. Order Online HERE!

Other Resources:

The Truth About Islam, More on Black Hebrews, and Your Jewish Calls

Updates on Israel and Islam, and an Interview with a Former Black Hebrew Israelite

An NBA Great Addresses the Donald Sterling Controversy, and The Facts About “Black Hebrews”

  1. We have a messianic rabbi who speaks at our congregation on a regular basis who does not believe in the trinity and is very outspoken about this. Do you think this is harmful and can lead to other unbiblical teachings? We are a small messianic congregation run by 4 elders(no official rabbi yet) and I am afraid of where this is leading.

  2. Greetings Phyllis,

    I would recommend not having this gentleman be a regular speaker at your fellowship. I do not know much about him but if he does not believe in the triune nature of God, and he is very vocal about it, it would seem that he has an agenda that is unhealthy for your congregation. Im not sure if he is a unitarian, or if he just denies the diety of Yeshua. Either view is not biblical.

    If he is strong in certain areas it can be insightful to have him speak on occassion as the church of my youth used to invite the folks from the synagogue next door to come over and share service with us on occassion. But if he denies Yeshua as being fully God from the pulpit so to speak, that can be very unhealthy for the growth of the believers in your congregation and can lead some away from the faith, especially if he is viewed as an authority in messianic thought.

    Pray about it and see where you are lead, bring this up to the elders and ask for their thoughts.

    I pray for the health of your fellowship,
    Grace and peace,

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