Immigration Reform, the Justice System, and More

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Dr. Brown takes your calls and shares interesting perspectives on the president’s executive order on illegal immigrants, talks about the imminent verdict expected in Ferguson, and shares his heart about what it will take to see revival come to this generation. Listen live here 2-4 pm EST, and call into the show at (866) 348 7884 with your questions and comments.


Hour 1:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: When it comes to the question of illegal immigration, wherever compassion can be shown it must be shown, but the laws remain the laws. Do we just throw them out?

Hour 2:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Things are soon going to explode with the announcement of guilty or not in Ferguson. Let us as God’s people keep our heads.


America is in a state of moral and spiritual chaos, but the root of the problem is found in the Church. Our compromised message has produced a compromised generation of believers, and only a return to the New Testament gospel, preached in the power of the Spirit, can turn the tide. This course will open your eyes and set your hearts ablaze for Jesus!Order Online HERE!

Other Resources:

An Interview with Ray Comfort and a Special Edition of Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions

Is There a Christian Position on Immigration Reform? And Thoughts on How to Avoid Deception

Was Charles Finney a False Prophet? (Dr. Brown Interviews Jerry Johnson); and The Power of Conviction

  1. It seems to me that the way the presidential office works, at least most recently, is that it begins to overstep it’s bounds, and as it does, it seems to find it’s own place to be a bit larger than it once was, and it happens through the corruption of politics, the crafty planning and manipulation that politics often gets into, as if everything is a chess game that is to be won for one’s own party or personal political gain, fame, recognition of men, etc, and what’s supposed to keep such things in check, is the three branches of government, and I suspect it will and would, if and when corruption is not given place, but is resisted by the majority who are in power.

  2. Contrary to false spiritual, also politically correct, yet spiritually false human opinions, still heavily influenced by ‘Princes’ over this World’ (forever now without their Prince, no more in operation on surface, of this tiny earthly footstool, ‘of Messiah of Israel’, the Real Jesus Christ of Nazareth) Torah makes clear today’s Republic, in or out of intended Democracy, No. America, cannot, never will, become a Nation, nor will ANY Nation on this ‘footstool’, bring forth the proper ‘fruits’ thereof, of only that WHICH ONLY THE NEW NATION OF ‘RESURRECTED ISRAEL’ only, can bring forth, on different, NEW LIFE, in the flesh, SAME ‘DNA’, yet on different dust, than where here, only REAL fire, ends suddenly, ALL human ‘soul life’ suddenly, as Torah teachings explained in preparation for ‘devil, his angels’, to be tossed DOWN from heaven, into this future EXAMPLED ‘lake of fire’, where only ‘sacred angel’s FEET’, are kept on the lawless ‘necks’, of all G-d’s past, present arch ENEMIES (exampled also for all FUTURE ENEMIES, eternally planned out in a vast, ever expanding, material yet never ending, ENTIRE Universe of ‘design’ by ETERNAL Creator WHOSE experiments also MUST REMAIN only ETERNAL, with only portions ‘to be rolled up like a blanket’, as necessary)

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