Dr. Brown Interviews Paul Wilbur and Takes Your Calls and Questions

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Dr. Brown speaks with Messianic Jewish recording artist Paul Wilbur about the new docudrama “Let the Lion Roar” and then answers all the questions you want to ask. Listen live here 2-4 pm EST, and call into the show at (866) 348 7884 with your questions and comments.


Hour 1:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: There’s a reason that God said in His word that we should cry out to Him day and night until Jerusalem is the praise of all the earth. It has to do with the entire world and the return of the Messiah; it’s big, it’s very big!

Hour 2:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: There are so many areas that we can differ on in the Word, but let us major on the majors by loving God, loving our neighbor as ourselves, and bearing much fruit for our Savior.


This week, Dr. Brown is offering the Let the Lion Roar: Bluray, DVD, and Book Combo Pack along with the Line of Fire (CD) interviews with the film’s cast and crew: such as Paul Wilbur, Jonathan Bernis, and more! This film is changing lives around the world and is being called a must see for every person! Get your resource package today for the special price of $40 postage paid! Order Online HERE!

Other Resources:

Did Jesus Die as the Substitute for Our Sins?

End of the Year Reflections, and Here Comes the Attack on Hyper-Grace

An Update from a FIRE Missionary in Northern Iraq, and Dr. James White Talks about Debating Muslim Leaders in Mosques

  1. Dr. Brown,

    A caller brought up the matter of Gentiles adopting the first day of the week for gathering as a church and you mentions the resurrection of the Messiah on (Sunday) the first day of the week.

    I realize the night began at sundown and the day at sunrise. so in the following verses it says the women came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun and Yeshua was already risen.

    This indicates the Sabbath night was when the Messiah had risen, being yet the Sabbath and not the first day of the week.

    Yes, no, Maybe??

    AV Mk 16:1 . And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the [mother] of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.

    AV Mk 16:2 And very early in the morning the first [day] of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.

  2. Another following ‘movie’ could be made ‘to the Jew FIRST, also to the Greek speaking (Gentiles) LET JUDAH’s LION ROAR, also to all like Balaam, (both Jew, Gentile ALIKE) in same false DOCTRINE (who died in ‘camp of wicked’, as ‘twice born’ Gentile prophet of G-d, now yet awaiting his resurrection IN THE FLESH, having forfeited ANY resurrection with proven ‘grain’ of ‘Church in the wilderness’ (tares sorted from righteous, & intermediaries, from both wicked and righteous, by life, death ‘threshing floors’, ALL of real FIRE, separations by genuine, STILL yet to come SUDDENLY, soon, a FINAL, COMPLETE, heavens, this tiny footstool, ON REAL & ALL human soul life ending FIRE, not simply ISRAEL as a Nation having already left here by REAL local soul life ending, in reality fire, without ‘root’ nor ‘branch’, but ALL human souls SUDDENLY, completely, separated from their temporal outer tent of temporal flesh, bones, blood, never to return in resurrection OF THE FLESH in this dirt, dust, of this tiny ‘copy’ footstool, down here). The DOCTRINE of Balaam, taught to King Balak (who caused the stumbling of the Church ‘in the wilderness’ BEGINNINGS of only true Church, of Jesus Christ, only made up of INDIVIDUALS, within a peculiar Nation, given LAW within Torah, set APART from all other Nations by LAW, within it’s unique TEACHINGS) is only found in ‘third’ prophesy to the Gentile King when saying “I already” know (when he didn’t know) the truth in teachings of DOCTRINE within the first two prophesies already given to Balak). LET THE LION ROAR needs be followed back to WHY the Lion of the Tribe of Judah WILL truly ROAR at ALL who (like Jezebel ancient, modern in doctrine) defy the true roots of the TRUE Church of Jesus Christ continuing teaching a ‘consumation’ of future unto HIM marriage, ‘on earth’ (or on ANY earth) !

  3. HEAVEN only, always “My throne”, & ALWAYS earth only, merely, places, of My own ‘threshing floor’ (regardless of where dirt, dust of earths are found, past, present, or future) always, only “My footstool” (never a place of rest, nor for ANY feet, not even those sacred ‘feet’ of My angels, doing My bidding, of keeping their ‘sacred feet’ upon ‘necks’ of My enemies past, present AND FUTURE always). “Sit thou here, WHILE all your enemies are BEING made (PAST, present, FUTURE) unto Your footstool”.

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