An Interview with David Limbaugh and Answers to Your Questions

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Dr. Brown speaks with bestselling author David Limbaugh about his book Jesus on Trial and answers your questions, including: Can we rely on our relationship with Jesus without trusting that the Bible is God’s Word? And, If he would treat gays and lesbians with dignity and respect, should we also treat pedophiles with dignity and respect? Listen live here 2-4 pm EST, and call into the show at (866) 348 7884 with your questions and comments.


Hour 1:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: When you really look at the issues carefully, not only is God merciful to us, He is merciful beyond our wildest dreams. That’s our God!

Hour 2:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: If you will major on the majors, and if you will give yourself to pleasing God, living a godly life, and touching the lost, you will be blessed and a lot of questions will resolve themselves.


This week, Dr. Brown is offering his ground breaking book Can You Be Gay and Christian? at buy one, get one 50% OFF! That means you’ll get 2 copies for the super low price of just $25, Postage Paid! Order Online Here!

Other Resources:

Reflections on the Penn State Scandal and Other Recent News

Dr. Brown Dialogues with a Pro-Gay Minister and then Talks about the Life-Changing Power of the Gospel

Dr. Brown Share Highlights from His One-Day Trip to Peru, Share Inspiration of Living Lives that Count, and Then Weighs in on the Latest News

1 Comment
  1. Apologetics leads to ‘preservative of one’s PERSONAL faith’, ‘light becoming PERSONALLY more brighter, & brighter under salt, light TO THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. NOT same as being ‘salt, light’ WITHIN public believing congregational ‘believing groups’, ‘laity’ under ‘leaders’. Sola Scriptura (for example to ‘whole wide world’, as ‘overseer’ of church or evangelism leadership ? MUST not be found having two or more wives) but to those WITHIN the church ? Sola Scriptura unto local congregations of public worship, salt, light would say the ‘overseer’ of the ‘leaderships’ must have been proven to be married, had children, had one wife at one time, never two or more, however, more importantly can ‘oversee’ leadership still single, youthful or not, who ‘feed the flock of G-d’ WITHOUT experiences only a ‘bishop’ over them can easily be consulted with for his experience as a ‘man’ who has also experienced in real life what ‘congregational believers’ ARE MOSTLY MADE UP OF, including children effected by parents of ‘hetero’ unions

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