You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers

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Dr. Brown responds to these questions: Is it right for Christians to curse a mosque that is being built in their city? If you are truly delivered from something, it is possible to be bound by it again? How does Paul use a pagan altar in Acts 17 to preach a message about the one true God? Listen live here 2-4 pm EST, and call into the show at (866) 348 7884 with your questions and comments.


Hour 1:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: In times of growing chaos, with crises all around us, there has never been a more ripe time for God to use you to make a difference.

Hour 2:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: I do not expect a lessening of world crises in the coming days, but I do expect the great increase and the glory and visitation of God.


This week, get the powerful “Such Were Some of You” DVD, a tremendous tool for loved ones struggling with homosexuality, and as an extra added bonus, we’ll throw in Dr. Brown’s DVD debate “Is Homosexuality America’s Greatest Crisis?” with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach for free! Get both of these great resources today for only $20! Postage Paid! Order Online Here!

Other Resources:

Dr. Brown Interviews Yesupadam and Monika

Bless Those Who Curse You and Overcome Evil with Good

Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions (including What Did Ham Do to Noah? and, Does God Love the Whole World?)

1 Comment
  1. Minutes 37-38, a woman asks about how to balance the fact that the believers are the true Israel and how it says “all Israel will be saved.”

    I haven’t though it through 100%, but I don’t see a problem with believing Romans 11 (when it says “[the physical Jews will be saved…] and so all Israel will be saved”) refers to “spiritual Israel”; that “all (spiritual) Israel will be saved” when at last “physical Israel” is “fully included” (I have doubts that “all Israel will be saved” was supposed to have meant all *physical* Jews will be saved at that time).

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