Stirring Testimonies from an Israeli Messianic Jew

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Dr. Brown interviews Ze’ev Nevo, President of Israel Media Ministries, as Ze’ev shares his own story of coming to faith, along with the amazing story of his father coming to Yeshua (his father escaped the Holocaust), with exciting updates about Dr. Brown’s expanded online presence in Hebrew and Russian. Listen live here 2-4 pm EST, and call into the show at (866) 348 7884 with your questions and comments.


Hour 1:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Yes, there are prophecies that all Israel will be saved, but He is saving His people one at a time and He wants to use you!

Hour 2:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: I think of Luke 15, “There is joy in the presence of the angels in Heaven when one sinner repents.” I wonder if there is some special Jewish joy when it’s a Jewish sinner that repents.



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Other Resources:

Purim; Campus Anti-Semitism; and an Interview with Messianic Rabbi Steve Weiler

Divine Appearances in the Old Testament; The New Testament and the Jewish People

Why Rachel Held Evans and Rob Bell Are Wrong about Homosexuality, the Church, and Society

  1. Dr. Brown,

    Since your discussion today brought up your books, I thought I would put this here. I am re-reading Volume 5. This is truely a great book. Your analysis was insightful. Overall a very valuable addition to your series. I am a bit confused over the various Talmuds you reference. Can you give me a thumbnail sketch of the different Talmuds.


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