You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers!

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How did I decide on my course of studies, and how can you determine God’s calling on your life? What is the right translation of Titus 2:13 in terms of the deity of Jesus? Are Christians called to be “doormats” to others?


Hour 1:


Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: God tells us to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. How well do you know the Lord? How much do you resemble Him? Let’s step higher and find out how much we can become like the Son of God!


Hour 2:


Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: I believe we are greatly downplaying and diminishing the role, work, and importance of the Holy Spirit in our own lives today. Let’s re-examine what the Lord says and the Holy Spirit does and let’s go for it!



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  1. I’ve looked at Titus 2:13 before and time and again wondering if Paul meant to say that God the Father is that great God who will appear with Jesus in glory, or if he was making reference to Jesus as the great God who will appear, who is also our Saviour.

    It seems to me that when a scripture is fulfilling it’s purpose, it can sometimes be taken in several ways. Sometimes in several ways we are filled more fully than could a particular thing be filling us by saying it in another way in which it might be taken in only one particular way.

    I believe it should be evident to us at times that when we worship God, what we say or sing can be taken at times in several ways and by that we are more fully filled. (Rom 1:20)

    I don’t know about translation work. I tend to trust the translators.

  2. The first time I brought up ALHYM, YHWH, & ADWNY several months ago, it brought up a “what??” type response. This is a bit disturbing; how, with all the eloquence and erudition available on this website, has not the Nature of the Godhead been further explored concerning the Three-in-One?

    A good computer concordance will quickly show the fascinating interaction between ALHYM and YHWH in early Genesis records; the Creator/ Immanuel (specifically named only three times in Isaiah 7& 8) account concerning Eden; the unexplored Hebrew verse where YHWH enters (and seemingly, is closed within) Noah’s ark; Abram’s knowledge of YHWH, but not ALHYM, until he meets Melchizedek (MLK tSDQ: King of Righteousness) and a covenant of Feasting (Bread and Wine) seals the Covenant.

    The Psalmist says that IAMTHATIAM, the Name GOD chooses to be known by to Egypt and the Hebrew slave nation, is purposely put below THE WORD. The Name is spoken by the Spirit of Prophecy; the Word, declaration by the Apostolic Spirits of the Lampstands. Is it any wonder that GOD is Jealous of these gifts, and any marketplace manipulation will bring forth the Curse of the Devoted Offering? When we begin to take this seriously, we will understand the audacity the modern Church is guilty of.

    In Him, Ron M.

  3. Door mats? No thanks.

    Eric Metaxas, author of “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy about Dietrich Bonhoeffer”, and “Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery” has called on the members of Christ’s Church to join in prayer, study and public action together with the Catholic protest against freedom of conscience and religious morals and convictions concerning the sanctity of life withdrawn from the pages of the Obama Healthcare Package.

    It began yesterday and runs throught July 4th. Let’s get on our knees together with them!

    “The goal of the fortnight, which runs from June 21 to July 4, is to emphasize what the bishops call “our Christian and American heritage of liberty,” in particular, religious liberty.
    “This emphasis is necessary when, as Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore put it, ‘the idea that individual persons have a right to conscientious objection…has not merely been called into question, but has been mocked as some kind of novel or marginal theory.’”

  4. Tony Perkins & FRC have been at the forefront of reporting the defense of what the secular media has been calling the Catholic protest against the President’s ‘executive privilege’. I have extreme doctrinal differences with both Catholicism and LDS; however, for now, I can put them aside for the sake of shifting the US back toward Biblical principles, using Cyrus as “GOD’s servant” as an example opposing Babel. The discussion over Authority can still take place while aligning our position. All the other ‘-isms’ only have one thing in common: hatred for the Bible.
    In Him, Ron M.

  5. In an atheist’s world (using our blogger friend Boris as our ‘poster child’), the inverse of 0 is 1: “I have refuted it; you can’t prove it; thus it is fact in my favor.” This is Absurdist Reasoning: existentialism with an ‘intuitive’ morality unexplainable by science.
    The self rising above all natural structures, including religion, is also religion, however: both Gnosticism and Buddhism rely srongly on this premisis. Dare I mention that there are a couple of branches of Islam that also share this ‘transcendental’ doctrine? What is shared in all of the above, including science, is a ‘Me against the universe’ kind of philosophy; the competition allows no sense of real community.

    So the Biblical structure of Marriage, Family, Tribe is opposed by Satan, and this becomes the focus of our Spiritual Warfare, rather than following the current Superstar; we have been given Jesus of Nazareth as our Standard and Example, period. What I have discovered here in the Smoky Mtns. is that Clan is a sinister counterfeit to Tribe; there are a hundred competing family patriarchs and matriarchs in a power struggle for territory; similar to the Native customs present before the Caucasian clans arrived. My suggestion is that we have some sense of Marriage and Family, but nearly zero in any genuine sense of Tribe; and it is this Judah (Praise) connection that is intentionally being shoved aside on almost every level. Worship is the key element of intercession saying “Arise, O LORD!” I have seen this being deliberately unplugged the past four years for what I believe is a false piousness; this is my controversy with the leadership I am familiar with.
    In Him, Ron M.

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