More on Isaiah 53 and, “Who is the real kosher Jesus?”

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Dr. Brown interviews Sumerian scholar Richard Averbeck and Jewish ministries leader Mitch Glaser about the new book on Isaiah 53 then responds to an email from an Orthodox Jew who is willing to accept Rabbi Shmuley’s Kosher Jesus but not the Jesus of the New Testament.


Hour 1:


Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Explore and dive in to the text. Get alone and read the text. Look at Isaiah 53 and ask yourself, “Who does this speak of? Could it be I was one of the people that didn’t understand why Jesus died, but now the light has come on?”

Hour 2:


Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Jesus knew that we needed a revolution in the earth. He knew that His Jewish people needed a revolution, but He knew the revolution that would last would not be one that was fought with weapons, knives, hatred, and violence. It’d be one where He laid His life down as a lamb, took the sin of the world, and through His self-sacrificing love, started the movement that has reached billions to this day.



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  1. Great show today. I am glad it’s already uploaded. I will re-listen to it and take some notes. I’m especially fascinated by the “asham” concept from Isa. 53:10.

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