The Jewish Genius Named Saul-Paul

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Dr. Brown shares insights about the message and ministry of Saul of Tarsus, better known as the apostle Paul, from his new book The Real Kosher Jesus: Revealing the Secrets of the Hidden Messiah.

Hour 1:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Because Paul had the heart of God, he realized that the Jewish people had a calling, not just to be a faithful people, but to make God known to the ends of the earth. The messianic era had begun, and therefore he carried out the messianic mission so the gentiles would become an acceptable offering to God.

Hour 2:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Paul has often been misunderstood, and accused of being the “bad guy” who corrupted the message and changed everything. However, when rightly understood, we see Paul–the loyal Jew–fulfilling the mission of Israel through Jesus the Messiah!


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The Real Kosher Jesus

Dr. Brown’s Latest Book!!


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Other Resources:

The Real Kosher Jesus; and Monday’s Musings with Dr. Brown

Countering the Counter-Missionaries [22 mp3 set] : An important resource will be a great faith builder for those who are struggling, a great outreach tool for those who are seeking, and a great source of edification and enrichment for those who are involved in Jewish evangelism.

60 Questions Christians Ask About Jewish Beliefs and Practices and Jesus: Messiah or Not? (DVD Debate with Rabbi Gold)


Dr Brown Debates Rabbi Tovia Singer on Sid Roth’s Radio show “Time is running short”.

Dr Brown and Rabbi Tovia Singer debate on a variety of topics, from the Messianic fulfillments of Yeshua to the core foundations of Christianity and Judaism.

This fascinating debate has a surprise ending!

  1. Jeff Benner would be an interesting person to hear debate Dr. Brown. They both come from completely different worldviews and methodologies.

  2. Dr. Brown,
    Benner is a Torah-observant believer in Yeshua, and seems to be especially acquainted with the roots of Torah; that is the only reason why we thought it might be an interesting debate – but, you’ve already given your answer. Thanks!

    Praise God

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