Dr. Brown Interviews Eric Metaxas, Laurie Higgins, and Denise Shick

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Dr. Brown talks with bestselling author Eric Metaxas about his message at the National Prayer Breakfast and then interviews family activist Laurie Higgins about the latest outrage in the public schools and author Denise Shick about growing up with a dad who wanted to become a woman.


Hour 1:


Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: It remains a truth that the worst thing we can do is nothing because we think we can’t do enough. If everybody does their part, and stands, speaks, prays, acts, and serves, we will be world changers!

Hour 2:


Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: There is healing, restoration, and health for all. No matter what your problem, situation, your pain, or how deep your conflict, in Jesus there is an answer and there is hope!

Other Resources:

60 Questions Christians Ask About Jewish Beliefs and Practices by Dr. Brown: Dr. Michael Brown answers sixty common questions about Jewish people and Jewish culture. He also addresses questions Christians have about their own relationship to the Old Testament Law.


Revolution in the Church: Challenging the Religious System by Dr. Brown: Revolution in the Church looks at the need for a spiritual revolution not only in the Church but ultimately in the world. With its timely message, this book will be a welcome corroboration of the revolution already taking place in your church…


The End of the American Gospel Enterprise by Dr. Brown: This book is for: Everyone hungry for more of God… Everyone jealous for the true glory of God… Everyone who knows that something great is missing from the American Church.


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