Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions

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What in the world is “prayer soaking”? How do I get involved politically in my community? When I try to share the word of God with a dear friend, he basically says, “Why should I be interested in a Jewish God or its Messiah?”


Hour 1:


Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: What do we do with our lives? What does Jesus want from us? Oh, just everything; heart, soul, mind, strength, life, desires, and everything we have and are. Here I am Lord! Send me and use me, starting right where I live today!

Hour 2:


Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: A friend of mine recently said, “I don’t know if this is the last generation, but it’s OUR last generation.” What are you going to do with the life God gave you? What are you going to do with the time you have before you stand before Him. Live so you can die without regret!



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Other Resources:

Keys to Prevailing Prayer

Deepening Our Prayer Lives

Revolution: The Call to Holy War by Dr. Brown: This book is not a call for the violent overthrow of the government, nor is it a call to take up arms, nor is it a call to political activism in and of itself. It is a call to something far more extreme, a call to live out the gospel…


Jesus, Christians and Politics online article by Frank Turek:

The United States Congress was in a rare joint session. All 435 representatives and 100 senators were in attendance, and the C-SPAN-TV cameras were rolling. The members were gathered together to hear a speech by a descendant of George Washington. But what they thought would be a polite speech of patriotic historical reflections quickly turned into a televised tongue-lashing. With a wagging finger and stern looks, Washington’s seventh-generation grandson declared, […]


  1. Dr. Brown,

    If it is possible, do you think you can contact Doug Perry — ‘leader’ at “Fellowship Of The Martyrs”/”Liberty Disaster Relief” (Liberty, MO) — who says ‘the Lord’ taught him a doctrine (which seems rather destructive) about marriages: a man or a woman (so far — that I know of — it has only been two womens’ marriages, as far as people who have lived here [not including people reached online, which I may not know of]) can say that ‘the lord’ told them they are divorced from their spouse if the spouse is not pleasing to ‘the lord’, and that the spouse can leave them, based on nothing other than ‘the Lord’ telling them.

    One (recent) example is the “Todd” family — in which the marriage between James & Jennifer Todd (who’d had four young children) is in the process of being destroyed by satan, by cause of this false doctrine.
    James has since uploaded a video to YouTube, calling Doug Perry out for his role in the destruction of his marriage (in that Doug did not publically denounce it; and taught and approved of the fallacious doctrine that enabled it to happen): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KLyAoutoFU — I’m not saying I agree with 100% of what James Todd says (he says ‘the Lord’ told him that ‘Doug Perry the red dragon’) — however, his account of how things went is just about 100% accurate.

    What part do I have in it? This is the place where I live; and I cannot stand to see this sin being done in God’s Name.

    Please, if possible, call him at (816) 255-5766 to talk with him about these false teachings, so that he will REPENT: he will not listen to me (we’ve had a private discussion and a group talk recently); I am praying about this, and something must be done to stop this, and to rebuild broken marriages.

    I am currently looking for a job, so that I will not be dependent on any humans (i.e.: I’m leaving this place/or if I stay, I’m paying for my own roof, so that I will be blameless, and above reproach).

  2. (I understand if you erase my post, since you might find it to be salacious, no matter how accurate the information is)

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