Does God Still Judge Today? And, Does God Still See His People’s Sins?

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Has God done away with His judgments on the earth? If you repent of your sins, does God still know about them even if you’re forgiven? Dr. Brown takes up these questions today on the Line of Fire!

Hour 1:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: Our God, our loving Father, our wonderful Savior, is a righteous Judge. Whatever He does is good; He disciplines His people in righteousness, He judges the world in righteousness, and we should rejoice.

Hour 2:

Dr. Brown’s Bottom Line: God sees every aspect of my life, including my sin, but He looks at me through His love, goodness, and kindness as His child, and He turns me away from sin by His Spirit so I can be more like Him. Repentance is a beautiful thing.

Featured Resources:

Spiritual Warfare [mp3 series] and Angels, Demons, and Deliverance [mp3 series]

Other Resources:

Jeremiah Commentary by Dr. Brown: combines a detailed introduction, in-depth exegesis of the text, and serious spiritual reflection on the calling of a prophet and the burden of the Lord.

The Great Debate [DVD]: Dr. Brown debates Bart Ehrman on the Bible and the problem of suffering.

How Saved Are We? by Dr. Brown: This unsettling book challenges us to ask ourselves what kind of born-again experience we have had if it calls for almost no personal sacrifice, produces virtually no separation from the world, and breeds practically no hatred of sin.


Go and Sin no More [mp3 CD]: Titled after Dr. Brown’s book release, this eight part series highlights key biblical truths regarding sin and holiness. This series is a must for believers desiring to walk in holiness before the Lord.

The Gospel that Judges Our Secrets VOR Article by Bryan Purtle

Is it remarkable to us that Paul conveys the reality of God’s judgment as a crucial component of his “gospel”? Do we see it as “good news” that “God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus”?

Paul is addressing the issues of Law and conscience in Romans 2, and he swings his subject back around to the inward reality, as apostles always do. He declares that even if all seems to be intact externally with the saint, the real issue of judgment has to do with “the secrets of men,” for the Lord is ever and always concerned with reality, and not with the mere appearance of things. […]

Why You OUGHT to Judge: VOR Article by Frank Turek

At least one lesbian is not happy with me for the case I made last week against same-sex marriage on our TV program. She wrote me this ALL CAPS e-mail with “VERY JUDGEMENTAL” in the subject line:


I wrote her back asking her why she was judging me for judging. It seemed like a fair question. After all, if I am not to “judge” her, why is it OK for her to judge me? And if she’s a Christian, doesn’t she know that God has already judged homosexual behavior as immoral? I mean, I didn’t make the judgment that homosexual behavior was wrong. God is the standard of morality, not me.

But the main point is that my lesbian pen pal did what most liberals do when they are faced with arguments they don’t like—they misuse Jesus’ apparent command not to “judge” in order to shut you up. […]

  1. In Norway this theology been wery popular in the biggest church in Oslo and Norway.(Oslo christian center,with 2000 members and among many pentecostal )
    Some chistian wrote after the terror that maybe it was Gods judgement upon the humanistic political labor parti. chistian leders condemn this thoughts as old testement wrath theology!
    !”Dont come and tell us that somthing can be wrong with us!!” seems to bee the reasons..Other leders have a more humble understanding.Let us wake up and pray for the nation and the relatives to the youth that was killed in the terror.

  2. I believe the Lord shed tears while He witnesses from Heaven when little kids are abused or beaten. or when a serial killer runs rampart and murders innocent women or children.

    or when moms murder their children or when husbands abuse their wife or children.

    or the proud, haughty cocky teenagers who are uncompassionate and are narcissistic, self serving and who are bullies and cruel and mean and taunt others to feed that unhealthy spirit inside them.

    But yet the Lord says in His word that mercy triumphs over judgement. If you confess your sins the blood of Christ will wash you clean and you can start a new life, a start, a new beginner.

  3. there’s a difference’s between people who (know) God and people that (know of God) the former, when sin comes the holy spirit convicts, most repent and are forgiven. the latter will try to justifie there sin because they live by the flesh not by the spirit… my payer is the they will have there eyes opened before judgment comes to them…..

  4. We who were once dead in sin are now alive in Christ.

    I pray for conviction and a heart of repentance to those who do not fear the Lord. Our goal as Christians is to help the lost see straight. To tell the world of God’s mercy and grace.

    The Lord sure has patience.

    For we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

    Thank you Father for your son. Thank you for a chance to be forgiven.

    Thank you for your mercy(undeserved favor).

  5. God does judge today. His righteous judgments are apparent in the world all around us. Without His judgment today, we would be in so much chaos. His judgments are seen through leaders who He has put in power to judge wicked men like Osama Bin Laden. Concerning His people, God is a Father that chastens His sons and daughters for their own good. He does see our sin, and He is grieved because He wants us to overcome and to have the Kingdom that He freely gives us through our Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s not be angry at God when He chastens us, but let’s understand that He loves us and calls us to repent for our own profit, that we might wear a crown and be a part of His royal family. He sees our sins and calls us to turn from them. That’s the gospel message. That’s the good news. Sin keeps us away from the Kingdom. But God’s love and grace through Jesus Christ will help us find our way to the great promises that God offers His people, everlasting life with the most powerful being of all.

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