1. Whoever actually thinks anyone who knows God is EVER going to accept sin EVER doesn’t understand that we don’t even tolerate sin in the thought-life — much less in actions. What a filthy, disgusting thought!

    We are not of this world; and the time is coming when it will be more obvious than it ever has been – when their hypocritical intolerance drives them to murderous rage (just as it happened with Jesus [Whom they will “claim” to be “serving”] when He, speaking by the Spirit [which, sadly, is NOT the case 100% of the time] gently convicted people of their sins in order to lead THEM to Life [living in the way that is RIGHT and ACCEPTABLE before God — Who has the Final Word; the Ultimate Decision about our eternal place!]).

  2. I believe that every nation would do well to completely outlaw all abortions, abolishing it completely.

    I’ve heard that medical doctors have been asked if it’s ever necessary to abort a child from a womb in order to save the mother’s life, and their answer is “That is never the case. It doesn’t happen.”

    Jesus never justifes sin, only the sinner by repentance, through faith in him.

    I trust that everything Jesus ever said was by the spirit of God who will have every man call upon him in time of trouble should they have a real need, real pain, real trouble, real distress,
    and a real heart that opens up it’s matters toward him.

    I wonder if his last words were said in intercession to God on my behalf. Some of the things he said I don’t fully understand.

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