1. Most Jews believe that Jesus was a prophet at least that is what is taught to them by their Rabbi’s. The traditions of our Fathers have a powerful influence over us and only through the study of scripture can we break free of the traditions of men.


  2. I was taught that most Jews didn’t even say the name of Jesus, let alone consider Him to be a ‘prophet.’ They don’t even draw the ‘+’ on a chalkboard in Jewish day schools during Math cause it’s an association with Christ. In fact most write the name of Jesus with an x instead and refer to Christians as ‘xtians.’ I’m from an inter-ethnic, or multi-ethnic Jewish background and I was not raised around other Jews, most in the area are intermarried anyway, so I make no claim to have the tradiitonal Amerian Jewish experience (whatever this means). However my rabbi left an Orthodox background and I got a good education in Orthodox theology and I’m aware that even through today, most Jews do not consider Jesus to be a prophet. I do know of a few Israeli scholars who have taken that stance in recent years that Jesus is some kind of great Jewish teacher, but it is by no means representative of Jewish people as a whole, either in Israel or in the Diaspora. However I do think some Reform rabbis are taking that line of thought for purposes of inter-fatih relations, these same rabbis however might also refer to Muhammad as a prophet and even the Buddha, and this is definitely not a good picture of what world Jewry believe. In the areas I’ve lived in the last few years I’ve noticed that the Reform movement (which is almost always the only Jewish movement in the South) is more lenient with how they refer to Christ and others, since we live in the land of the Bible belt and families tend to be inter-married as I earlier stated (even before this was a fad), they/we are more used into being around evangelical Christians and sometimes identities get blurred. For instance I know some families and even some rabbis or Jewish educators here who’ll state that they believe Jesus is a prophet just to get Christians off their back, and it often works since many Christians I know do not actually realize that the Bible teaches Christ is G-d Incarnate. Many Christians I meet who are raised in evangelical Protestant traditions believe Christ to be the ‘literal’ son of G-d, somewhat adoptionist and they think that ‘prophet’ sounds close enough, since they themselves don’t even seem to realize that Jesus is L-rd and G-d, the very Image of the Father, as is taught in Scripture.

    Shalom, Chris

  3. Dr. Brown,

    Did you ever have an experience when many people were converted at the same time? I’m thinking you mostly do debates, although I don’t know enough about you to say that for sure, but, have you ever preached to an audience and many believed at once?

    I would love to hear more of the experiences you described on this broadcast.

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