1. Dr. Brown, THANK YOU! for taking the time to share both the before and after parts of your testimony. I have a young adult daughter who is going through a prolonged period of rebellion and I keep praying that God will protect her, and I believe He has. But her heart is so hard toward Him. Just the other day I was asking how long could He continue to hear the same words from me for her . . . how could I pray differently? And then you shared about the people who prayed for you and how you came under conviction. Interesting that word, conviction. I haven’t heard it talked about for so long . . . haven’t heard it prayed for someone for so long . . . and I didn’t really connect it to what I had experienced so many years ago in my struggle with God, but that’s what it was! It is so clear that that’s how I need to be praying for my daughter today – that the Holy Spirit would convict her and make her uncomfortable in her sin and that she would come to the end of herself and see there is no other way but to cry out to God. I know it may get rougher for her . . . I remember and don’t ever want to go to that place again in my life, but I also thank God for His mercy in bringing me to it, and through it. Thank you for the encouragement of your testimony and the reminder of mine and for the words to pray . . . bless you!

  2. Isn’t sin 1John 3:4-6, Torahlessness??
    The Torah is Not burdensome. I love the Torah,
    it is my delight.
    How do you understand the name of jesus as his
    lingustinal name? Just don’t understand any other
    name but Yahushua HaMoshiach.

    Thank you and I will pray also for your daughter.
    Todah B’shem Yahushua

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